Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

  • Accepted smapacha has a tracker for this program.
Congrats!!! And when you receive your decision and whether you have received an continued interest letter from gatech? I really love this program but my status is still under program review😭
Just got it about an hour back on email linking to the portal! Wishing you the best!
  • Pending ophelialeen has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending Vittal has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending roaminghydra has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending nkscb has a tracker for this program.
  • Andy Nguyen is an Administrator
We got 2 admits today and 19 pending. I suspect many of those pending got a result today but the author has not updated it yet.
No rejection so far today so let keep a positive vibe around here guys.
  • Pending roaminghydra has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending Vittal has a tracker for this program.
It may take a couple more days. I'm sorry for the delay.

Malcolm J. Patridge, M.Ed

Academic Program Coordinator II

MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance Program

Georgia Institute of Technology

CODA – 756 West Peachtree St. NW

Atlanta, GA 30308
  • Pending ShivC has a tracker for this program.
Do all the applicants for the QCF get an interview invite? Or some are rejected without interview?
  • Pending nkscb has a tracker for this program.
  • Accepted flamestrike has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending ophelialeen has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending nkscb has a tracker for this program.
It may take a couple more days. I'm sorry for the delay.

Malcolm J. Patridge, M.Ed

Academic Program Coordinator II

MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance Program

Georgia Institute of Technology

CODA – 756 West Peachtree St. NW

Atlanta, GA 30308
I was told when I interviewed that results would come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I think they will release the result in phases on all these days.
  • Pending Vittal has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending hlios_ryu has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending Vittal has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending nkscb has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending vanessax has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending Vittal has a tracker for this program.
  • Pending nkscb has a tracker for this program.
  • To participate in this discussion, you must add this program's application to our Tracker.
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To convert to your undergraduate GPA to the U.S 4.0 scale, use any online GPA converter such as this one.
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Graduate GPA on a 4.0 scale.
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