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Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

Hi. Has anyone else received an interview invite for QCF program at Gatech.
I have mine scheduled for Jan 24th. Has anyone already appeared for interview this year ?

In the threads posted posted few years back, I read that GaTech sometimes gives an offer without an interview too.
Not sure if anyone has got an offer without an interview this year.
I was interviewed back in the middle of December. I'm pretty sure they try and interview all candidates.
Hey, may I ask when you submitted your application please? Please also let us know how it goes and what it consists of!
Hey, may I ask when you submitted your application please? Please also let us know how it goes and what it consists of!
I submitted on 12/5 and had an interview 12/20 or so. My interview was purely behavior and asked questions relating to hobbies, my experience finding internships/jobs, achievements, and interests in the field. I think the interview is semi-tailored to your specific background though so I wouldn’t expect to get the exact same questions but similar in subject. The person who conducts the interview is extremely nice and very approachable though so I wouldn’t be too concerned as long as you know your resume. Still haven’t heard a decision though.
Hi. Has anyone else received an interview invite for QCF program at Gatech.
I have mine scheduled for Jan 24th. Has anyone already appeared for interview this year ?
Hi there! I applied on 12/4, had my interview on 12/11, and got my decision on 1/5. The interview was more like a friendly chat, focusing on my background and goals. The interviewer was easy to talk to, and I got to ask her my questions too. It lasted around 40-45 mins. Good luck with your interview on the 24th!
Hi. Has anyone else received an interview invite for QCF program at Gatech.
I have mine scheduled for Jan 24th. Has anyone already appeared for interview this year ?

In the threads posted posted few years back, I read that GaTech sometimes gives an offer without an interview too.
Not sure if anyone has got an offer without an interview this year.
How was your interview and when had you applied for Gatech?
Has anyone heard back from GaTech since the interviews? Are they sending out admits sporadically?
Has anyone heard back from GaTech since the interviews? Are they sending out admits sporadically?
Laura suggested it would be somewhat sporadic during my interview.

I interviewed on 9 Feb and haven’t heard back yet.
hi all! Does GATech give out scholarships and I was hoping to hear from alumni/applicants on the program!
From my understanding they do not give out scholarships.
You can filter the results on Tracker. Select GaTech and Accepted as result. It does show any admit got any scholarship.
This is a pretty accurate way to see if a program gives scholarship and how much.