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Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

I received email today to submit my video responses to 3 interview questions by end of this week. Would this be all or will there be another round of live interview? Anyone?
No news for another week. Do they even do "silent rejection" in the first round? Anyone got any news?
No news for another week. Do they even do "silent rejection" in the first round? Anyone got any news?
You can check on the status on the website. If it says "to dept for review" then you are still under consideration.
In my case GA Tech sent me email last week asking me to submit video responses to 3 interview questions. Completed my video interviews and sent on 9th and now anxiously awaiting result!
You can check on the status on the website. If it says "to dept for review" then you are still under consideration.
In my case GA Tech sent me email last week asking me to submit video responses to 3 interview questions. Completed my video interviews and sent on 9th and now anxiously awaiting result!
Thx for ur info! It just drives me anxious. The status on the website is also "to dept for review" for people who get waitlist, so do I. I'm just thinking that, they said the results would be out at the beginning of December, which has already past.
Thx for ur info! It just drives me anxious. The status on the website is also "to dept for review" for people who get waitlist, so do I. I'm just thinking that, they said the results would be out at the beginning of December, which has already past.
I guess we just have no choice but to Wait! When did you complete your video interview?
I got no interview, nor waitlist... That's what makes me worry...
I was informed by someone that Decision time-frame is also dependent on which home department you choose. I had chosen Management as home department.
That's a shock! I thought you would definitely get admitted by this program given ur b/g. Feel for you. Better offers on the way!
Thanks Bro. Remember to join this QQ group: 137707363. You are Chinese, right? haha