Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

I’m a junior at Georgia Tech and just wanted to wish you all good luck. I can’t tell you how many night’s I sit in the Crosland library or the industrial design building on the main campus at night, look at Scheller tower among the Atlanta skyline and dream about getting into an MFE program like techs
I wouldn't classify it as intense, but there will be certain questions to asses your personality. Some questions they ask are :
1) Tell me about yourself - Usually followed up with a question based on your current job ,etc.
2) Why GaTech? What made you choose this program (What makes it unique)
3) What do you hope to gain from this program? How will you add value to the class?
4) If I were to ask your current supervisor to describe you in two words, what would they be?
5) How are your time management skills? (I provided examples for this answer)
6) How are your programming skills? (Again, you can provide examples. Theses questions won't be asked if you have a CS background)
7) What do you think about teamwork? (You can answer based on personal experiences)
8) What is the best thing about your work?

It's a very relaxed interview, you just need to express your thoughts cogently. All the best!
Thanks for your reply. Yes, it doesn't appear to be very intense
I know people who have interviews scheduled for next week, so I don't think so. I think they are usually released sometime in mid-March.
Looking at last year’s tracker, it looks like GATech sends out decisions a few days before the round 2 submission deadline.
Is it a video interview?
I don't even know what to make of this question. If you mean it's a set of questions and you have to answer it, then no. It's a one-on-one interview. I've mentioned the questions they ask in one of my earlier comments.
It might be a one on one with only audio just wanted to comfirm. Thanks
I don't even know what to make of this question. If you mean it's a set of questions and you have to answer it, then no. It's a one-on-one interview. I've mentioned the questions they ask in one of my earlier comments.
It might be a one on one with only audio just wanted to comfirm. Thanks
Mine was a video interview. I guess it depends on your internet, if you don't have a stable connection, they might call you on your mobile. But it would be better to be dressed formally, assuming it's going to be a video interview.
Mine was a video interview. I guess it depends on your internet, if you don't have a stable connection, they might call you on your mobile. But it would be better to be dressed formally, assuming it's going to be a video interview
Got it thanks, when did you have your interview.
Just checking if anyone heard anything from GaTech. Assuming no, since there has been nothing posted or on the tracker
After interview, the Application Status Portal gave me the gtID and GT account. But I can no longer preview my application proof, it is a no-pages document. Does any guy encounter this circumstance?
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