Well then, for those who are reading this, what -- *delicate cough* -- were the secrets of your training program? Did you overlearn the top ten or fifteen theorems in each area and aim for computational speed in mock exams? For example, in complex analysis, did you overlearn things like Cauchy's theorem, Residue theorem, Rouche's theorem, integration over paths, Morera's theorem, Cauchy-Riemann equations, etc.?
Extreme pragmatism. There are four real practice tests available. Take all of them under timed conditions (for the experience of pressure), then go over ALL questions, including those omitted. This gives you a practical feel for the types of questions they ask. Then simply design your own timed "tests" based on those kinds of questions--both in your strengths and weaknesses.
My "tests" included material from:
1) Calculus problems: pretty much all the basics, but no further than Green's theorem in multivariable. I overlearned formulas such as variations on sum(0..inf or 1..inf) of power series 1/(1-x) and 1/(1-x)^2. Also, Leibniz' Rule for differentiating an integral function wrt a variable that is an upper or lower bound of integration (or both) is VERY prominent on the exam. (As in, you're almost guaranteed to get such a problem on every exam.)
2) Complex Analysis (basic elementary functions,
basic generating functions, Demoivre--very important, Cauchy's thm, Laurent series, basic residue theory, CR eqns, *not* Rouche)
3) precalc problems (probably all topics; don't remember exactly, though I hear this past year conics were emphasized)
4) linear algebra (basic problems in dimension, rank, linear independence, 2x2 inversion, eigenstuffs, basic vector spaces)
5) Algebra: basic problems in group, ring, and field theory (using Gallian :p ; mostly group stuff)
6) Elementary number theory (mostly solution sets of linear congruence equations; a little Chinese Remainder theorem)
7) Combinatorics: mostly just counting problems from the "Eightfold Path." During the actual exam I solved one such problem in my head during a relaxing bathroom break. Basic graph theory can come in handy (no further topics than what you would be expected to learn during a general discrete math course.) Also, generating functions and recurrence relations are important, and I'm pretty sure I practiced them.
8) Differential equations: mostly linear ODEs and basic exact equations. Homogeneity comes up here, in linear algebra, and ring questions (for example)
That's the bulk of it. Basic knowledge of topology and lebesgue theory could help you knock out some easy ones, but only if you know them ahead of time (i.e. don't learn these only for the exam.) Basic real analysis can also help you knock out some of the Roman-numeraled "I-IV" questions--topics seen on tests include MVT, basic counterexamples...and some common sense.
Now, I have heard the test has gotten a little harder since I last took it, in April 2009, so any prospective taker should do further research, especially in the Math gre forum.
Other sources:
http://www.mathematicsgre.com/ (Math GRE forum)
http://www.math.ucsb.edu/mathclub/GRE/ (Three old practice exams; fourth available via ets, maybe)
Sorry if this was a bit rushed. I'm in the middle packing to move to my new graduate school