Hi.. (IT - Birkbeck London MFE student)

Hi everyone,

I have recently started my MFE at Birkbeck college, Univ of London.

My previous degree was in EE, (I graduated 12 years ago, from an IIT in India). I have a decent understanding of the basics of Finance, I completed level I of CFA (although, to be honest, I doubt if I would have sufficient time to finish it off in the near future)

In these 12 yrs, I have been working as an IT developer in various investment banks in London. I have worked across multiple asset classes and departments - Equity trading, Prime brokerage, Asset Management and Structured Credit.

I have done a lot of c/c++ programming in my early career, although more recently, it has mostly been on Java/J2EE (plus messaging/XML/databases thrown in).

I love programming,( :smt024 ) and thus far have remained very "hands on". Given my background, interests and experience, I am hoping to get into a quant role in algorithmic trading after I finish my masters.

Any tips, suggestions and advice would be most welcome.


Hi there,

I have been offered a place for MFE at Birkbeck. Since you started the course last September can you please provide me some info on MFE course quality at Birkbeck. And do how do you recommend the course especially for the ones who are starting up in finance (BTW am also an EE graduate and have no prior experience in finance). Also the future job prospects for MFE graduates in UK and placements if there's any in Birkbeck.

I would really appreciate if you could answer me ASAP.

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