Unsubsidized loans from the federal government cover the entire cost of attendance (for in-state students) at my state university (Rutgers) and I understand it is the same at some other public universities.
Note that unsubsidized means that the interest on your loans is not paid for you while you are a student. While this is certainly nice, you're not likely to be spending a whole lot of years in a mfe and the loans from the federal government have favorable interest rates (and fixed rates).
If you have confidence that the degree is going to help you earn you a reasonable wage (i.e. not necessarily a Wall Street wage), you should be able to make the minimum payments against your loans (and you may not want to make more than minimum payments because the terms of a federal loan are generally more favorable than any other debt you might have, e.g. credit card debt or house debt, and/or you may be able to reasonably expect to make an annualized return from investing in equities that exceeds your fixed income interest rate).
Pricey programs would require at least me personally to take private loans (e.g. Sallie Mae) to attend. I didn't end up doing this, though there's evidence that the prestige is a good investment.
From a point of view of social equity, I'm not a fan of the President, but the federal government doesn't have enough money to send everyone even to an undergraduate education and there's evidence that its pushing of loans has created buyers remorse among many. It's questionable whether it would be sensible for the government therefore to subsidize the education of grad students who don't tend to be coming from the ranks of the poor but rather the middle class or upper middle class.