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How easy is it to move from IT to trading.

I'm considering a "performance optimization" role with my skill-set (networking, C, assembly etc). and I understand this is usually seen as a lowest role in a trading environment.
How easy it is to move from this kind of a role to actual trading in C++ / python / kdb+. This assuming that I develop the skills necessary. Are prop firms usually more open to such moves ?

Or would you suggest to do my current job, then develop C++/python skills and then try my luck in
a trading firm ?
IMHO it is always better to be already in the environment where you want to work. Once in, then move towards your goal. Why?

1) From what I know (however I have no own experience at trading environment, so check out yourself if my logic makes sense to you) many people have risen within a firm to a top position. Far more difficult to come from the outside. Task no. 1 is to get into the firm and if you already can with your skillset then I would jump immediately into it. In case they don't promote you, you still can change to another trading firm, this time with experience in the trading environment.
2) You might realize that you need to train other skills rather than the C++/python you would have trained if you were on your current job.