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How much help with undergrad finance do me?

Short bio: I am a community college transfer student to a university. I was previously Accounting/Finance but decided to go CS after finding my enjoyment in code and development. Unfortunately for me I am a freshmen in CS courses; but in finance much further.

The bad side: My university will not allow me to minor in Finance because I am apart of the college of computer science and not apart of the college of business.

My question: How much good would undergraduate level finance classes do me finding a job or getting into graduate school? Would it be worth having a double major in finance and CS? Itd be a packed 3 years slowly finishing a finance major while I packed in getting my CS courses in.

I might be answering my own question but I feel like my free time would be better off continuing taking more math classes. I will already be at a math minor with a CS degree, up to calc 3. dif equations, and upper level stats class.
The knowlege of Accounting is very helpful. Do you know IFRS?
Not every company needs advanced models for derivative pricing but every company needs accounting :)
If you understand both, you are very valuable specialist.