How to position myself to get into quant dev?

For the last few years, I've developed an interest in operating systems and performance. I've been working in something related for the last two years where I spent a lot of time really understanding how the linux kernel works.

I recently came across the fact that quant companies look to hire people who understand operating systems, compilers, etc. to write fast low-level code. I thought it would be the perfect fit for my interest. I naively thought I had a chance and applied to all the companies I could find. I didn't get a single interview. Now I am learning I should have went to a top universities and done math competitions, both of which I had the opportunity to do but didn't care at the time. I instead went to an average school but did graduate with a near perfect GPA.

I will try reapplying in a year from now and thought I would made an account to ask what the best approach to get an interview for one of these developer positions. I am thinking of creating some projects and write some blogposts on OS/performance related things. Would that give me a better chance? Going back to school to do a masters is not possible right now but I could do a part-time one online. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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