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UCB MFE I-20 document issue clarification

A friend of mine is in the process of applying for his F-1 visa for the UCB MFE program. His I-20 document declares that the student wil be majoring in "Actuarial Science". Is this the norm or is this an error ? If its the norm, are UCB MFE graduates eligible for STEM OPT extension ?
In reality, I-20 should say exactly what ever degree he is going to pursue. It will not impact his extension at all, he can also get new I-20 as soon as he arrives here.

I have friends, they change their degree programs 20 times. They did get new I-20 when ever they changed the program.
its normal. It doesnt really matter as long as he is enrolled. I had a similar issue. I transferred from the ESL department at the U of Kentucky to the science department and my new I-20 showed my previous school as a local high school while I didnt even know what it was. I asked and they said it doesnt matter as long I remained enrolled.