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I am a current undergrad senior wanting to break into quant. Help!! Am I too late?

Hi! I am currently a senior in college studying Mathematics and strongly want to break into quant. I did an equity research internship this past summer for an asset manager in NYC. This experience made me realize I love how options and futures contracts work and how/why they are traded. I want to become a trader but I am having no luck at the moment after applying to several firms and getting denied. Do I 1) keep trying to get a trading job on the buy side (which is very hard); 2) get a finance job similar to what I did this past summer (investment research in the equity and commodity space); or 3) get an MFE/Financial Mathematics degree. I have taken more than enough of the classes required for pretty much all of the programs. What do I do? I would love some help and insight. Thank you!
I'd talk to students at top programs, and/or directors if you can find a way to get in contact. If your application seems promising then apply and if you get into a top program you can attend and use that to launch your career.

Or, if you get a good job, take the job for a year and then apply. I would not continue to put all your hopes on landing a buyside trading job.