I don't seek advice anymore! Just got accepted to my dream school !

Hi! I'm a Computer Engineering Masters student at a Top 5 US university. I did several internship in Software industry (in France and Japan). However, after reading several financial books and seeing the famous Wolf of Wall Street movie, I became really interested in the finance world. I definitely want to become part of it.

I took the GMAT and got a score of 700 and 6/6. I have a very good GPA (4/4) and my math skills are very good.

I want to know please if I have any chances to get into CMU, Columbia, or MIT for a masters in finance!

Thank you!
You need to raise your GMAT and it's good to have some work experience but not necessary,you can also mention internships. Why a master's in finance and not get an MFe. I think you might have a shot if you raise your GMAT.
Thanks! It's a very detailed and interesting answer :) I think you should read the other part (I read books)!
Thanks! It's a very detailed and interesting answer :) I think you should read the other part (I read books)!

Alright, I'll take the bait.

I think the point was that regardless of how many books you've read about finance, if you are the type that puts down, even at the very end, "Oh and I also really liked Wolf of Wall Street", you have no idea what Wall Street is actually like.
As much as I'd probably enjoy letting you find this one out yourself, if you want some real advice it's that coming from good schools generally gets people interviews, not jobs... If you show up to a Wall St interview, they think you're a cocky asshole (which you evidently have some inclination towards being), you're not able to display any real knowledge of the markets, and your basic message is "I have a fancy degree now, so you should hire me," come graduation you'll be on the first boat back to wherever you came from.
You seem racist! Is this your way of expressing yourself? I don't know you and you don't know me! You attack me and you say I'm an asshole! Is this an educated person talking?

Well anyways I would have never answered someone with such an unscrupulous way!

I'm not even going to answer you because I think when education and manners lack, you can do whatever you like! Man educate yourself! Who are you to judge people like that?

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