IDE selection

Many IDEs "can" be used by many languages. But realize that the point of an IDE is to improve programmer productivity. IDEs that are targeted to specific language/platform will generally work better.

C++ - Visual Studio on Windows has no equal. Best intellsense and debugger. On Linux many devs use their favorite text editor and command line tools.
Java - Eclipse is the standard and it's available on Windows/Linux/Mac. It has tons of plugins and integrates well with build tools, debuggers, source control, etc.
Python - A good text editor with command line is all you need for school or small projects.

What is your goals with each language? Choose the right tool for the problem.
On Linux many devs use their favorite text editor and command line tools.

Its difficult to know what most people use on Linux, but speaking for myself, I use Eclipse to develop C++ code. I've used Visual Studio on Windows as well. I don't find Visual Studio particularly better or worse than Eclipse.
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