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Imperial College vs ETH Zurich

Hi All,

Just want to understand the job prospects, pre-requisite for both the program from standpoint of an International candidate (India). Below are the questions:

1. What are the job prospects for international candidate as I have read articles/blogs that employer normally prefer EU/swiss candidates ?

2. Do these universities accept edx/coursera certification to suffice for any pre-requisites ?
If not, how should I compensate for them ?
Any specific tips/suggestions to take care regarding pre-requisites ?

About me:

Completed my civil engineering from premier institute in India( covered Calculus l and ll, Algebra, Matrices, ODE and PDE, Laplace and Fourier transformation). Did my MBA(Fin) covering derivatives, fixed income, risk management, econometrics. Cleared both levels of FRM and CFA Level 1. Nearly 3 years of experience in treasury/risk space with HF/ bank(modelled interest rate risk on python by using hull white model).

Took algebra and probability pre-mfe program from Baruch last year. Working upon C++ and Python and few other mathematical portion by taking courses on edX/coursera.

Please throw up any suggestions/tips which might be useful for the process. Looking forward to hearing insights from varied audience.
