This is basically my background:
Junior at the University of Washington: Not a target, but money was a big factor in the selection and this was in-state for me so much cheaper tuition.
Majors: CS & Math
GPA: 3.7- Could be better, I will admit I have not been as focused as I could and should have been in my years so far.
Experience: No internships. Okay one in my freshman year (marketing internship) demonstrating some communication skills, but overall definitely a weak area.
So that's where I stand. In my Math major I've taken the major ones (Calculus/ Diff. Equations/Linear Algebra) some pure math classes (Real Analysis 1 & 2), some Optimization, and now am talking some Probability courses. Next year will take Schastic Calculus.
UW has a great CS program, Top 5-10 in the country. So it's pretty rigorous. Though most of it is in Java. I know quants use C++, will have to make the transition. Is it difficult?
Also, besides for being a CS and Math major, I've taken quite a few business classes. I have an AB (Associates in Business) and have taken some 300 level ECON and some Finance courses. I was originally planning on being a Finance major.
So with CS and Math major plus good amount of business classes....And interest in all 3 of those topics (CS/Math/Business)....I think Quant would be a great fit for me and the work sounds very interesting.
That was my background.
I really want to know what should I do become a quant? Now I know some obvious paths, like get a phD. But I can't do that and that is one of my constraints. Why? Let's just say there are some private financial reasons related to my family. But this is not the only path I believe either. So with my background, and no phD path, what can I do?
The goal is obviously to get into a Top 5 MFE. Is this possible for me? What do you suggest, either
a) Apply to a Top 5 MFE right after UGrad
b) Your stats, even with a good GRE score on quant section, will not be good enough. You need experience.
c) Something else
If you answer a, what exactly are my chances and what can I do before I finish my ugrad to increase my chances?
IF you answer b, what kind of experience exactly should I get after UGrad?
If you answer c, please elaborate.
Any help will be appreciated
Junior at the University of Washington: Not a target, but money was a big factor in the selection and this was in-state for me so much cheaper tuition.
Majors: CS & Math
GPA: 3.7- Could be better, I will admit I have not been as focused as I could and should have been in my years so far.
Experience: No internships. Okay one in my freshman year (marketing internship) demonstrating some communication skills, but overall definitely a weak area.
So that's where I stand. In my Math major I've taken the major ones (Calculus/ Diff. Equations/Linear Algebra) some pure math classes (Real Analysis 1 & 2), some Optimization, and now am talking some Probability courses. Next year will take Schastic Calculus.
UW has a great CS program, Top 5-10 in the country. So it's pretty rigorous. Though most of it is in Java. I know quants use C++, will have to make the transition. Is it difficult?
Also, besides for being a CS and Math major, I've taken quite a few business classes. I have an AB (Associates in Business) and have taken some 300 level ECON and some Finance courses. I was originally planning on being a Finance major.
So with CS and Math major plus good amount of business classes....And interest in all 3 of those topics (CS/Math/Business)....I think Quant would be a great fit for me and the work sounds very interesting.
That was my background.
I really want to know what should I do become a quant? Now I know some obvious paths, like get a phD. But I can't do that and that is one of my constraints. Why? Let's just say there are some private financial reasons related to my family. But this is not the only path I believe either. So with my background, and no phD path, what can I do?
The goal is obviously to get into a Top 5 MFE. Is this possible for me? What do you suggest, either
a) Apply to a Top 5 MFE right after UGrad
b) Your stats, even with a good GRE score on quant section, will not be good enough. You need experience.
c) Something else
If you answer a, what exactly are my chances and what can I do before I finish my ugrad to increase my chances?
IF you answer b, what kind of experience exactly should I get after UGrad?
If you answer c, please elaborate.
Any help will be appreciated