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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Columbia MFE Indians Joining Columbia MFE

Hi Guys,

I was thinking if all of us joining this program could connect on whatsapp or facebook to know each other well before reaching US. I already have created a whatsapp group, so please PM me to get onboard.

Hi Guys,

I was thinking if all of us joining this program could connect on whatsapp or facebook to know each other well before reaching US. I already have created a whatsapp group, so please PM me to get onboard.

another clique...
Guys, there's an IEOR Columbia New admits Whatsapp group (MFE, MSOR and MS&E). :)
You could join us there in case you give your names and if you're also active on the Columbia Fall 2014 admits FB group :)

Everyone can join (Non Indians too of course! ! )

(P.S: I'm joining Columbia MSOR -Hence replied when I saw ^ )
Well, this sure beats my attempt at forming the "US-born Students' Stochastic Calculus Club". We only got two members and nobody could help us understand what this Calculus thingy was until we allowed foreign students to join. :)

(I hope this joke managed to tiptoe through the cultural and racial minefield without being too mean to anyone.)
Well, this sure beats my attempt at forming the "US-born Students' Stochastic Calculus Club". We only got two members and nobody could help us understand what this Calculus thingy was until we allowed foreign students to join. :)

(I hope this joke managed to tiptoe through the cultural and racial minefield without being too mean to anyone.)

You white supremacist.