Inquiry about Resume Content for Quant Dev/Systematic Trading

  • Thread starter Thread starter odruz
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Hello all,

I’m a sophomore in CS/Math looking to work in quant dev or systematic trading, and as I’m writing my resume I’m receiving conflicting input on what specific things are relevant/should be on my resume vs my personal website.

Firstly, I’m curious about projects. A lot of times CS majors are told to put projects on their resume. That being said, I don’t even have enough room on the paper to cram in everything else. So, considering that all of my work and projects are displayed on my personal website (which is linked in my resume), is it better to leave projects off, or do recruiters not often check website links?

Additionally as a slightly more general question, should I include a link to my devpost? If I have enough fully flushed out, high quality work in other parts of the profile, does showing a 24hr hackathon project even help my profile? Would it be better to just list a few events I’ve won/got an award at on my resume toward the bottom of the skills/experience section?

Lastly, as a very general question, is there an ideal way for me to list my research experience on a resume? The somewhat limited format of a resume compared to a CV makes it hard to fit all of the relevant information to describe my work, but I don’t feel that, given my age and the fact that I’ve only had a few months of research work, it would be appropriate to submit a CV in an application. So, my question is what information about research should be displayed? Do recruiters care more about what languages, tools, and frameworks you learned through it, what developments you made, what material work you produced, or anything else specifically? Also, if I begin working on a paper to be published, is there an appropriate way I can mention this work, or do I need to wait until it is officially published?

I’d love to get any insights I can from recruiters, people who have gone through this recruiting process, or anyone else who just knows a lot about this!
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