interview tips

Hi guys

Looking for interview tips for phone interview for a quant position at Search Engines like Google and other similar firms. Is the focus mainly on brainteasers and stuff like that

Time to try and pirate that book.

But google up Google interview questions.

Why is a manhole cover round? How much would you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle? How many Golf balls can you fit in a school bus? Explain the significance of dead beef (this is for software devs only).

Couples on an island have kids until they have a boy. What is the ratio of boys to girls on the island?

On an island of 100 couples, all the husbands cheat. All the wives know when someone else's husband cheats, but never when their own cheats. They're not allowed to tell other wives when their husband has cheated. If they find out their husband cheats, they must kill him. One day, the queen of the island arrives and says someone has cheated. What happens?
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