iPad, do you iWant?

I have an iPad wifi/3G and can say:

It does not replace my work computer (a desktop) because I cannot program on it and it is not good for writing large documents (maybe if I had the keyboard it would be better for that).

It's the best way to use the internet. I don't use my laptop at all anymore. I watch NetFlix on the iPad, browse in bed before sleeping, email, etc.

I got some productivity apps, but I think they are all still works in progress. I bring the iPad to my production meetings for note taking and can email the results right away. Can do this with a laptop but the laptop is a pain to drag around.

I have a Kindle too and prefer that for reading regular books. The battery lasts 2 weeks when 3G is off, so I can take it on long camping/hiking trips.

They sell one of these every 3 seconds so I guess it's gonna catch on. People were saying that the iPhone wouldn't catch on when it was announced too.

The thing is, this is not some super gadget that does everything you want it to do. It is what it is. If you want a tablet computer, then buy a tablet computer that runs Windows. This is not that. It really fits into a new category and I cannot wait to see Google's and HP's offering. (HP's will be with WebOS presumably.)

Bottom line is keyboard-less, stylus-less interaction with a network-connected touch screen device is a different kind of experience. The iPad is a big iPod touch, but the size really does make a difference.
Motorola introducing Xoom wi-fi only version to match iPad2 on pricing !!!


This is Pricing 101 . When you create a product, you dole out enough versions and configurations/ price within reason to match the price points of everyone that is interested and willing to buy.

I feel most of the iPad2 competitors are trying too hard not to compete with Apple head on..... thumbs up to Apple marketing machine
I like what Amazon has done with the kindle.. I'll probably be waiting for version 2.0 of the Fire. If history is any guide, v2.0 will come with a price cut and more features (..like a front/back camera).

Mr Bezos, please slash the price on the DX
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