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Is it necassary to have a high CGPA in order to apply for masters in the US

My name is Murtaza, I have studied my undergrad in finance and I'm going to apply for masters in the US. My top interests are applying in quant finance/mathematical finance & financial engineering. Yet, I am feeling a little hesitated in applying as I only have a 2.9 cgpa and don't know if I'll get selected in any of the universities.. Can some please guide me what I should do or which is the university I can apply into. I'm in my final year of undergrad in finance and have completed FRM part 1.
If all your core math courses are A then you may have a chance. Retaking the courses with low grades is another option.
There are some programs with high acceptable rate you can get in but I wouldn’t recommend.
If I were you I would remake my profile, spend another year to address any weakness. Do some C++ or Python courses then work on some projects to showcase.
Getting into a bad quant program will be a very costly mistake. Try everything to avoid that.