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Is the MiQF/E at St Gallen technical enough?

I'm based in the EU and would like to end up in Switzerland (quality of life and such), currently doing my Bachelor's in Econometrics and Operations Research in the Netherlands.

I'm looking at master's programs and in Switzerland and ETH Zurich/ EPFL are obviously my top two options. However, both are rather competitive and I would like a safe option. I was wondering whether the Masters in Quant Finance and Economics at uni St Gallen is technical enough to land a quant job, or whether it is just a snobby rich university specialised only in business. I want to avoid "business" schools as they push you into the business world rather than the maths direction.
I want to avoid "business" schools as they push you into the business world rather than the maths direction.
You have the right inclination. The competitive programs act as a first level filter for the job market so you can use it as a good indicator.
We have a many rankings where easy to get into programs have a lower employment rate/salary.