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Is There a Future for Financial Engineering?

Dear Students, Alumni and Faculty,

The Quant Network at Baruch's Financial Engineering MS Program is proud to present a talk from Dr. Martin Helm, a quant trader with vast market experience.

Title: Is There a Future for Financial Engineering?
Time: 6-7pm, Friday, February 13
Location: Room 6-140, Vertical Campus at Lexington Avenue and 24th Street

About the Speaker: Dr. Martin Helm has been working as a quant trader since 1999, at Amaranth Advisors, Sagamore Hill Capital, IFL, Merrill Lynch SIG, and, since 2007, as portfolio manager at Deutsche Bank Alternative Trading.

Academic Career: PhD in Mathematics, Assistant Professor at University Goettingen and University Stuttgart, Visiting Professor at Courant Institute (NYU), 1994 joint award Max Planck Society/ German Mathematical Society for most outstanding achievements by a young German mathematician.

Please RSVP for this talk at QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum - 02-13-2009
is this talk only open to Students, Alumni and Faculty ?
I am applying to MFE this year and would be interested in attending too.
Thank you
Does there exist a text of the talk that you can make it available to all by posting it here? Or a video of the talk itself?