• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Job Dilemma

For context, I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a minor in Economics and have a GPA of 3.61 from a reputable liberal arts college. Currently, I am a rotating analyst at a prestigious bank in NYC and am completing my first rotation with the quant team. I plan to apply to financial engineering programs in the fall of 2025, particularly the one at Baruch. I am also planning to enroll in the three pre-MFE courses, which will cost me a total of $4500.

Here's my dilemma: I am nearing the end of my rotation with the quant team and have gained valuable experience. However, they are not offering me a full-time position due to my limited math background. They have, however, offered me another rotation with them. Should I accept another rotation with the quant team to further enhance my profile for MFE applications and potential quant job opportunities, even if it means earning less? Alternatively, should I opt for a rotation in another tech team where I could easily transition to a full-time role?

Additionally, are you aware of which financial teams have a strong correlation with quant jobs and MFE applications?