Loading in financial statements?

Hiya good sirs/ladies
Does anyone have a piece of code for loading in financial statements from companies?
I'm currently using R to load in stock prices and dividends and sorting them.
Than a bit of VBA to load them into Excel and keeping the sheet looking decent.
VBA, Python, R are all in my skill range at the moment. C# or C++ aren't far out of reach.
I'm assuming I'll either need extra Libraries or at least a pointer on the correct commands.
Any help is appreciated.
Best regards Mark/CopenhagenToLondon.
Hiya good sirs/ladies
Does anyone have a piece of code for loading in financial statements from companies?
I'm currently using R to load in stock prices and dividends and sorting them.
Than a bit of VBA to load them into Excel and keeping the sheet looking decent.
VBA, Python, R are all in my skill range at the moment. C# or C++ aren't far out of reach.
I'm assuming I'll either need extra Libraries or at least a pointer on the correct commands.
Any help is appreciated.
Best regards Mark/CopenhagenToLondon.
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I'll be sticking with R for a bit, as I'm trying to develop my own library/package at the moment.
So far my coding recognizes what file is being loaded.
sorts it into numeric and char columns. Sorts numeric into continuous or discrete columns.

Data analysis is basic and only goes through descriptive statistics like means, mins, maxs, medians, variances, stds, covars, correlations
and subsets a new dataset within a chosen amount of standard deviations like. Choose 2 stds and get subset with values within +- 2stds
I think I'll try to do that, because I just tried getFinancials and I end up having this error message :(

Error: ‘getFinancials.google’ is defunct.
Google Finance stopped providing data in March, 2018.
You could try some of the data sources via Quandl instead.
See help("Defunct") and help("quantmod-defunct")

but sadly quandl was bought or merged with Nasdaq, so you need to purchase access to their data.
It seems the way forward really is Python on everything. But I guess I'd sooner learn C++ than Python, because I already have skill with it.
Maybe it could worth a note for me just to test through the libraries and write down which are still useful
Definitely, but I guess I'll need to learn how to do the coding for that than.
But my understanding from previous acquaintances and from the promotions from Daniel, is that C++ is going to have all the functionalities needed to build commands or functions from scratch and to connect to near any type of software. Be it google, yahoo, banking systems or otherwise.
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