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master or master+Phd to be a financial engineer?

Hi guys, according to you to become a financial engineer or a quant is a good idea taking a Phd in Finance or in Financial Engineering, after a master degree in management engineering, to be more competitive than taking only a master in financial engineering? What are the best Phd program in Financial Engineering and what are the job opportunities with this degree?
You can't just say which is best. Ofcause you are higher qualified if you have a PhD rather than a master. But with a master you can gain 3 years or more experience before the PhD is finish.

There are alot of job oppurtunities who search both and therefore it should be your choice how you will use your time and which kind of jobs you wanna have.

If you for example want a job as a quant reseacher it would obviously be better, if you had a PhD, so you have experience in the research enviorment.