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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Baruch MFE Merry Christmas and questions about the Pre-program courses

I'd like to take the pre-program courses at Baruch but since I am not located at NYC, it is really troublesome for me to move to NYC to attend the courses (requesting vacation from my boss, finding temporary apartment and so on). Recently I have found similar courses are offered at Berkeley and they do provide the online option, which fits my schedule well.

So my question is:

Will it count if I take the pre-program courses from Berkeley instead? If so, do I need wait until I finish the courses and then submit my application or I can apply Baruch now and indicate that I will take the courses? Which one sounds better to the admission committee?

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
The Pre-MFE seminars are not pre-requisites for admission to the Baruch MFE Program. They are meant to strengthen and refresh the mathematical knowledge and the knowledge of financial instruments that will provide a strong foundation for future graduate studies. The pre-program courses from Berkeley should play a similar role.

We do not offer an online option for the Pre-MFE seminars. If possible, in person instruction offers a more direct learning environment.

The Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College - Baruch MFE Program