Hi Doug and Woody, thanks for ur input!
My undergraduate I have a BS in math and BSBA in actuairal science. I'm currently working as an actuarial analyst. During my undergrad years, I have focused on four areas: math, stats, finance, act science. The actuarial exams I took prepared me very well in terms of math/statistics skills. In fact, one of the exams I took (coincidently called exam MFE) was all about derivative pricing, hedging and I was fascinated by the materials on that exam.
The two research projects I did as an undergraduate (both were presented at national level conferences) were about Financial Math and modeling & nonlinear approximation in applied stats, during which I became very familiar with Matlab and SAS.
With all these said, I want to do MFE b/c this is something I am interested in and serious about, and my background has prepared me well for this career. Let me put it this way, what I have learned in the past are pieces of the puzzle, and MFE is the program that will help me put the puzzles together. I have worked very hard on getting the pieces of the puzzle and I think now is the right time for me to make them into a masterpiece.
In terms of personality, I work extremely well under pressure, and I LOVE fast-paced working environment. Currently I'm interested in Risk Managment, and I thought about becoming a trader b/c of my personalities (I know becomeing a trader takes more than just personalities

) however, I want to learn as much as I can about other fields/careers. I don't want to sound like I know I want to do Risk Management or become a trader, but at the same time I don't want to give impression that I don't know what I want to do.
Can anyone give some more advice??