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MFE suggestions for math undergraduate

Hi there!

I am in my last year of a applied math undergraduate degree, and I am just starting to seriously consider doing a MFE program. Here are my infos and I would really appreciate it if anyone would give me some suggestions. My trainings are mostly in math, to name a few, calculus, linear algebra, real/complex/matrix/Fourier/numerical/functional analysis, ODE, measure theory(probability), combinatorics. I have some basic training in stats and programming(1 course for each), I use python, matlab and R. My GPA is 4.3/4.5 in a Canadian university, plus, I have a publishable paper from the summer. For the GRE, I got 145 for v, and 170 for q, and really bad on writing(I am not a native English speaker and I went with almost no prep...).

I am wondering if I have good/any chance of getting into some of the top programs? (I have looked at NYU MFE, waterloo MQF, and U of Toronto MMF, please recommend more!! ). Also, should I do GRE again? (I decided not to go to the states for master when my mind was in academia so I didn't retake GRE) if not, are there any good alternative programs? I heard people saying data science, or computational math, or operational research... Thank you so much for reading this, any advice will be appreciated:)
Maths look pretty well-balanced (nice to see functional analysis in there as well). PDE?
How's your programming skills?
Maths look pretty well-balanced (nice to see functional analysis in there as well). PDE?
How's your programming skills?
Thanks for the comment Daniel. I haven't taken PDE yet, but that's part of my requirement, which I will take in the winter term(so before the application season for many programs). My programming knowledge is very limited I would say, the only chance I got to practice my programming skill was for my research over the summer, just few lines codes to create adjacency matrix for graphs and to do some testing... But I am very open to learn more about programming, either by myself or by taking courses.
Do you have any idea what kind of program would be a good idea for me?