MiF admissions test

I've got a half hour long written test for a masters in finance program. Any idea of the topics I should know really well? Any advise would be appreciated.
Smantha if you could let me know the program details may be then I would be able to tell you better. as a general recommendation, every program has some pre requisite ...you should brush up your knowledge in the prerequisites.
Thanks for your reply, its a Turkish university, and its just masters in finance....Are they going to ask me to make calculations, and if so, what kind? Courses include valuations, Financial econometrics, corporate finance, derivative securities,mergers and acquisitions, fixed income analytics. I completed my degree some time ago, so I'm just wondering how much of the course I should revise.
I suggest you to brush up the knowledge that is required to acquire CFA level 1...See if you can dig up the required material else send me a pm with your email and I will send it to you.
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