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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

hey : those who got admitted, was there any chance of getting admitted if you don't score full on the quant test?
I bombed it :( It was not difficult by any means, but I just lost it and made some silly mistakes...
Also made a stupid mistake in a math question and submitted the quizz early, though I had a lot of time left... Can only blame myself!
Hope it'll still go well for us :)
Realistically speaking how important is the quant assessment. Like if you come from a math/stem background and did really well on the interview but lost 2 of the quant questions are you done?
Realistically speaking how important is the quant assessment. Like if you come from a math/stem background and did really well on the interview but lost 2 of the quant questions are you done?
That's the real question... Imo, there would be some sort of minimum cutoff, and above that cutoff, some sort of weightage w.r.t to the other parts of the application. At least that's how I would approach the problem objectively.
did ya'll really find the test that easy? It was not the most basic question bank by any means imo...
Approximately how many people are being interviewed this year? and compared to last year?