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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Please don't worry too much, people... It is stated on their website that all decisions will be released by March 10th. It does not help to frequently check the status page and have all types of guessing before March 10. Getting into a program is probably the easiest step in the next 5 years of your life. Surviving through all the grad-level courses, preparing for recruitment, competing with all smart people to land a quant job, saving money, buying a house, supporting your family... Everything afterwards will be significantly harder and will come with much more stress. So it may be helpful to start building a positive and calm attitude and avoid overthinking towards things like this... If you end up getting into the program, congrats. If not, it's not the end of the world. It's just a program, and you can still succeed and achieve your life goals. You have done everything you could do for the application so far, and there is nothing else to do other than waiting. Why not stop worrying and enjoy the spring a bit? Heard cherry blossom is blooming everywhere. Why not start planning a trip for spring break (if you are a student)?
Please don't worry too much, people... It is stated on their website that all decisions will be released by March 10th. It does not help to frequently check the status page and have all types of guessing before March 10. Getting into a program is probably the easiest step in the next 5 years of your life. Surviving through all the grad-level courses, preparing for recruitment, competing with all smart people to land a quant job, saving money, buying a house, supporting your family... Everything afterwards will be significantly harder and will come with much more stress. So it may be helpful to start building a positive and calm attitude and avoid overthinking towards things like this... If you end up getting into the program, congrats. If not, it's not the end of the world. It's just a program, and you can still succeed and achieve your life goals. You have done everything you could do for the application so far, and there is nothing else to do other than waiting. Why not stop worrying and enjoy the spring a bit? Heard cherry blossom is blooming everywhere. Why not start planning a trip for spring break (if you are a student)?
Speaking of spring breaks, anybody going to Mexico?