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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Got my rejection
What other programs are you applying to?
Do you guys know roughly how many applicants (also as a %) receive interview invitations?
It's somewhere here. We have some detailed historical admission data from top programs (Baruch/Princeton) which will be expanded soon to cover most programs.
Do you guys know what percentage of students who receive the invitation then get admitted?
What other programs are you applying to?

It's somewhere here. We have some detailed historical admission data from top programs (Baruch/Princeton) which will be expanded soon to cover most programs.
excuse me, I'm not entirely sure to understand wym. It's somewhere here, where?
I received the invitation 12 hours ago. Has anyone here, or from previous experiences, been able to find a mock exam or know exactly what to prepare for the quantitative assessment?
I received the invitation 12 hours ago. Has anyone here, or from previous experiences, been able to find a mock exam or know exactly what to prepare for the quantitative assessment?

From the past threads, all I can make out is that the questions are not that difficult in quant assessment.
I am more worried about programming test, can we code in any language or are they going to specify the programming language.
Here, they have mentioned only R and Python - Suggested Background | Master of Finance | MIT Sloan
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