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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Oh God! How are you guys handling this stress? I'm through with my nails ans starting on my fingers now. :sick:
I am halfway through a bottle of Johnny black. Just kept it aside. Will finish it either in depression or celebration now.
something very frustrating just happened- i study in the UK (and am there currently) and put my home + home mobile (singapore) numbers on my application. my mom received a call on my home phone from someone at MIT, but before she could give them my UK number the person said they would email me and hung up! she didn't even tell my mom if i got in or not! anyone received any calls?
umm.. from cambridge uni, doing a joint undergrad degree in economics, environment and law, gre quant 170, verbal 166, writing 5; on track for double first class honors, varsity sportsman- what else do people write in these things?
email will be sent out after 5pm ET i assume. they will finish calling everyone who got in before that.