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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Andy Nguyen have u heard anything back yet. They still sending out invitations? I m kinda tired of this now....
They told me they are interviewing applicants in Shanghai now. The class size for this year would be around 120-125 (last year it was 124). Decisions for round 2 would be released on March 14.

I'll see if they can tell me if all the invites are already sent out or still some coming up.
They told me they are interviewing applicants in Shanghai now. The class size for this year would be around 120-125 (last year it was 124). Decisions for round 2 would be released on March 14.

I'll see if they can tell me if all the invites are already sent out or still some coming up.
Thx. Pls keep me posted.
They told me they are interviewing applicants in Shanghai now. The class size for this year would be around 120-125 (last year it was 124). Decisions for round 2 would be released on March 14. I'll see if they can tell me if all the invites are already sent out or still some coming up.

Thanks Andy.
Could you please ask if invites for Latin America candidates have been sent already?
Can't tell if they are releasing the international interviews first or it just seems that way since the program is heavily international.

Holding out hope for another week but after that, it looks a bit bleak.
Just to confirm, are there any US candidates who received interview calls yet ??