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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

So only 2 people have received emails on this forum from what I gather? Over how long of a period are the invites sent out?
It is not a troll. From I known, there are few students from Asia received the interview invitations, and the interview arrangement webpage indicates there are more than 60 people will be interviewed next week.
Interviews at MIT start from Monday, February 02, 2015 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM.
Also my friend told me that the interview at Beijing will be from Feb. 6 to Feb. 13.
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Interviews at MIT start from Monday, February 02, 2015 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM.
Also my friend told me that the interview at Beijing will be from Feb. 6 to Feb. 13.
Ya but it very surprising that no one has yet posted about an interview in mumbai or london, considering a lot of Indian applicants use quantnet.
Anyone got the invite for the interview in Singapore?

Hey, I got interview invitation on last Friday night, location is Shanghai, but since I am currently in HK so I ask admissions committee to switch my interview appointment to Singapore, I chose 2.16 at noon. Do you have any ideas how many applicants were invited to be interviewed in Singapore?
Hey, I got interview invitation on last Friday night, location is Shanghai, but since I am currently in HK so I ask admissions committee to switch my interview appointment to Singapore, I chose 2.16 at noon. Do you have any ideas how many applicants were invited to be interviewed in Singapore?
Twenty slots are available and fully booked.
Does anyone know if there are more invites coming? or they have sent out all the invites?