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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

It seems they are currently calling applicants in Canada. Have any US students received a call?
which part of Canada? its newfoundland its 12.10, in vancouver its 8.10. i have 10.10 in south america and i'm dying. its more stressful than i thought.
Colombia. 11am here. im just sitting at work, refreshing the page and waiting.
Hello guys, congrats to all those who have been accepted! Just go out and have a drink! I'm from Peru, it's 11:00 am and still waiting.
rejected in colombia. congrats to all admitted and hopefully see you somewhere! :)
Got rejected also. Did not do well in the interview. Best of luck to all.
Got rejected also. Did not do well in the interview. Best of luck to all.
i'm quite surprised, because my interview went great (besides Why MIT question). i was told that i convinced my recruiter and now she'll try to convince the rest of the AdCom. well, apparently, she did not succeed. Or she tells that to everyone. :)

BUT, there's also a good thing. we have june and august free :D
I am also admitted to MiT.
It seems that there is a new pilot program of 18 months this year !