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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

I'm sure it'll be fine. Interviewer said the QA is just one part of the whole - hopefully its weight is not that large.

The next ~ 3 weeks are about to last an eternity.
This doesn't make any sense. Why call now? It's almost midnight (on a Friday) in Europe; early Saturday morning in India and China + they've always kept to the deadline.
Got a call too - 18 month. She told me that they enjoy catching people off guard for some early admits. Was told that we won't get a letter until next week, while they keep rolling out calls. Look out for that 617 area code :) Good luck everyone!

Edit: I'm in the US, got the call around 4:00 pm local time. I have to imagine they knew that it's midnight in Europe/Asia so that's why you haven't gotten anything
Forgive my earlier poor form; been in an almost constant state of anxiety since the QA. Congratulations to all the current admits!
It seems they've also reached out to a few applicants overseas yesterday.
Definitely a surprise given adcom's prior history