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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

I was one of the first people to hear back from MIT round 1. The way it actually works is the director calls a few applicants before decisions are released to personally congratulate them.

Are you saying that only a few admitted applicants get phone calls or that all applicants who are admitted get phone calls?
I was one of the first people to hear back from MIT round 1. The way it actually works is the director calls a few applicants before decisions are released to personally congratulate them.

Could you please check the status on your application page? Is it still "submitted" or changed to "admitted"? Thank you!
Judging by the tracker, I certainly think most people first heard about their acceptance from the online application. Round 1 deadline was December 20, and I received the call in the evening on December 19. Most of the tracker admits came in December 20.
Could you please check the status on your application page? Is it still "submitted" or changed to "admitted"? Thank you!
Everyone's decision will be released simultaneously on applyyourself.
Are you saying that only a few admitted applicants get phone calls or that all applicants who are admitted get phone calls?

I'm wondering this too. Maybe only those who had phone interviews (vs. Skype interviews) are getting calls..
just got the decision online, waitlisted.
anyone has any suggestion on what to do at this stage? any suggestion is sincerely appreciated!
also anyone know how possible it is for a waitlist to turn into an admission later?
Hey guys, I was waitlisted from the first round and now again I received the same exact letter saying I was waitlisted but with todays date. I am so confused. Did they evaluate me again with their R2 applicants and found that I need to stay on their waitlist ? Lanmine dont worry.. it will be a long wait.. I have no clue on to how many will go from waitlist to admit.. it depends on folks who are really serious about MFE and would go to MFE core schools and leave Mfin for us folks :) welcome to the waitlist but I am very confused on my situation..
also anyone know how possible it is for a waitlist to turn into an admission later?
Your guess is as good as any.
They have a target of 120 people this year so a lot of things come to play. We won't know how many people will join the program (yield rate).
Last year, more people join than MIT expected so I think they will be a bit more cautious this year and put more people on waiting list.

Just take a look at our Tracker, see what other programs those admitted to MIT also applying to. They may decide to go to another program. If they decide to join MIT, you will see Yes in their Will Join column. Right now, that ratio is around 1/3
Hey Andy,

Can you reflect on my position ? I am looking for some closure here ha ha ;)

Congrats to everyone who heard the good news today! Is everyone planning on attending the admitted students day on March 1?