Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Master of Finance

MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

If someone had interview in Dubai and got the call, please tell 😁
Good luck to everyone and congratulations to those who got in, you deserve it!
I am currently working in Singapore and was informed by my interviewer today too :)

Does anyone know when is the expected start date?
Thank you and a hearty congratulation! Did your interviewer call you (apologies for asking too many questions)?
No worries at all. I had sent an email to her this morning asking her by when can I expect an answer? She replied to that saying that I had emailed her at the correct time as she was planning on calling me today.
No worries at all. I had sent an email to her this morning asking her by when can I expect an answer? She replied to that saying that I had emailed her at the correct time as she was planning on calling me today.
Do you think its ok to email my interviewer or will it lessen my chances of admission?
Congratulations to people who got in! Is it a mix of 12m/18m version of the program or have they only called people with one particular cohort as of now!
Anyone based in Latin America (especially in Mexico) has received a call?. Starting to get really nervous.
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