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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

any idea how many people they usually interview/what the acceptance rates are like post interview? It seems like they interview about a 1/3 of the applicants, and if the acceptance rate is like 10% then that would mean like a 33% acceptance rate or so right?
Agreed. I would estimate that if you have been successful in getting an interview, your chances of acceptance go up to around 1/3.
any idea how many people they usually interview/what the acceptance rates are like post interview? It seems like they interview about a 1/3 of the applicants, and if the acceptance rate is like 10% then that would mean like a 33% acceptance rate or so right?
Agreed. I would estimate that if you have been successful in getting an interview, your chances of acceptance go up to around 1/3.

Assuming they don’t admit students they don’t interview and that they interview 1/3 and admit 1/10, your chances will be 3/10.
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Can someone share the time window of the scheduled interviews they send? Do they send invitations on a rolling base or just for once?
@Marcus_Aurelius Hi Marcus, I'm just wondering why the number of admission (200) was far greater than the class size (132) last year? Is it normal that they admit extra students each year? Thank you
The email said that the assessment will be on elementary calculus and probability. Does anyone know whether that includes linear algebra?
Just got an invite! Congratulations to everyone! Wondering if anyone could shed some light on the Quantitative assessment piece and what should one expect.