MSc in Financial/Applied Math with a BSc in Economics and Finance

Hi everybody!
I am am italian student, currently attending a MSc in Finance in Bocconi University and with a previous BSc in Economics and Finance from the sameuniversity.
I would like to quit my current Master and undertake am applied/financial Math MSc. Is there any chance to be admitted in such a program for a student like me, Who don't have a Bachelor in Math/Engeenering? Which MSc would you raccomend to me?

Ps I have strong credentials, but I do fear that I should start from scratch with a new Bachelor.

Thank you for your answers!!
Hey Antonino,

Usually they like seeing the following: Linear Algebra, Calculus 1, 2, 3, Differential Equations and Probability (caluclus based) at the minimum. Baruch offers some of these courses for pre-MFE students.
Some of these you already have from Econ.
Then having programming knowledge is highly recommended and the more math the better.