My Qualifications - Can I hope?

Hello all!

New to the forum and quite excited to find a place that will hopefully provide some guidance/input.

I completed my undergraduate degree in 2009 with a major in Finance and minor in Math. Currently working at a asset management firm doing fixed income performance measurement. I'm looking to continue my academic career and the dream would be to enroll in a Financial Engineering/Financial Math program here in NYC, where I live.

Upon doing some preliminary research I see there are certain prerequisites these programs ask of prospective students. I feel that for the most part I'm covered however one major concern now is a linear algebra class with which I came out with C- grade. Some problems on a personal front and unfortunately my school work suffered. My finance classes as well as other math course work is solid (A's and B's). Does this really hurt my candidacy? Anything I can do to compensate? Does work experience play a big role?

Would really appreciate any sort of feedback!

GPA 3.65
C++/Matlab knowledge
CFA Level 1 passed
Last edited: replies yet. In any case, I've spent some more time on the forum today and it looks like that may very well work against me. Would I be able to retake the class in another univerisity? Does that make sense?

I can really use some advice :)
From what I've seen, you should have As and Bs only. I'm not sure how it looks taking that one math class, I am doing the math I didn't do in college. It sure can't help to take it again and get an A. You have some programming experience, nice GPA, work experience, I'm sure you'll be fine I think. You need the GRE score though.
And first posted the message today.

Best of luck on apps.
Thanks, I appreciate the response!

I really have my mind set on this, will give it all I got and hope for the best. GRE let's do this!!!!