Need advice on program choice

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My background is as below

1) GRE scores - 170Q, 157V, pendingAWA
2)GMAT: 51Q 36V 720 in total
2) TOEFL scores - have not take (some program waived)
3) Education - CityUniversityOfHongKong B.Science in Applied Physics(3.58 (firstclass honor)); Master in Quantitative Analysis for Business
4) Relevant Undergraduate Math subjects taken -- Linear Algebra and Calculus, Diffrential Equation and Transform(including PDE+ Fourier/Laplace Transform), Numerical Method
5) Relevant postgraduate subjects:
As I will enrol into the program of Master in Quantitative Analysis for Business this September and Plan to apply for MFE program next year, some of the curiculum of the program is as below:
Statistical Methods I
Statistical Methods II
Quantitative Methods Statistical Modeling in Risk Management
Statistical Modeling in Economics and Finance
6)Relevant Undergraduate Computer Science subjects taken: Courses on C, VB, DataBase(SQL) and others ( Javascript, HTML, XML......)
And while I have known some basic programming about SAS and through out the master program mentioned above, the SAS will also be used in the course.
Also I have join my friends' group and plan to develop ios apps during my spared time and I want to take the chance of learning objective-C to learn C++ at the same time.
7) Others - 2Y research experience in physics department but not relevant

8) Schools Plan to Apply - UCLA, CUNY, Columbia ...?

I have browse the introduction of many programs, however, I am not sure which program my profile fit best. Although I like UCB, but it seems my profile isn't good enough and I don't have relevant working experience.

My profile isn'timpressive and I hope it is not too bad

I will really appreciate if someone could give me some advice on the choice of the program.
If you don't plan on applying for at least 1 year DEFINITELY get some relevant work experience - work for free if you have to.
If you don't plan on applying for at least 1 year DEFINITELY get some relevant work experience - work for free if you have to.

Because I plan to apply for the next year's fall intake or 2015 spring intake, I may not have enough time. As I am working in the university now as a research assistant in Physics Department, I have thought about contacting the prof. in finance department and doing some free research jobs, however I am not sure if it would be useful.
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