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Online Masters Degree for MFE application

I was thinking that I would get a Masters in Applied Statistics from Online Colorado University.

My BA was in Econ and my gpa was 3.2 and not the best due to some issues I had.

I believe I need another degree with complex mathematical courses to give myself a better GPA and improve my chances at admission. My undergrad did not include linear algebra or multivariate calculus.

Math has always been my strong point so I'm not worried about not doing well.

Would adcoms look unfavorably at a online masters degree vs an in person degree.

Online degree is cheaper and more efficient in terms of how I can quickly study when I need to and take tests.

If I'm working late one night, online degree doesn't require attendance everyday. I can finish all the material in one long sitting on the weekend. But in person while working not showing up hurts your grade.

I know that once I decide to do an MFE then I will have to study full time. But right now I am working to support myself and save up for an MFE.


Would anyone think that a different degree than a Masters in Applied Statistics would be better?