Pricing a down-and-in barrier call option using the combinatorial formula

Hi friends,

I am trying to price a down-and-in barrier call option. Lyuu's book gives a simple combinatorial formula for the probability that the underlying hits the barrier and makes \(j\) upward moves, as


However, when I implement the algorithm in Python, the option value isn't close to the Black-Scholes price, no matter what \(n\)(number of time steps), I choose. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? This is my code snippet:

# Optimal algorithm for European down-and-in call barrier  options

import numpy as np
import math

def priceDownAndInCall(S, X, H, r, sigma,
                         T, N, optionType):

    # Binomial tree parameters
    dt = T/N
    u = math.exp(sigma*math.sqrt(dt))
    d = 1/u
    disc = math.exp(-r*T)

    a = math.log(X/(S*(d**N)))/math.log(u/d)
    a = math.ceil(a)
    h = math.log(H/(S*(d**N)))/math.log(u/d)
    h = math.floor(h)

    # Risk-neutral probabilities
    p = (math.exp(r*dt)-d)/(u-d)
    q = 1-p

    # Start at layer 2h
    S = S * (u**(2*h)) * (d**(N-2*h))
    b = 1 * (p**(2*h)) * (q ** (N-2*h))

    C = b * (S-X)

    for j in range(2*h-1,a-1,-1):
        b = (p*(N-2*h+j+1)/(q*(2*h-j)))*b
        S = S * (d/u)
        C = C +  b * (S-X)

    return disc * C

C = priceDownAndInCall(100, 102, 97, 0.05, 0.20, 1, 50, 'C')

If anybody has a piece of code that works, that would help as well.

Maybe binomial tree algorithms only have pedagogical value, simple and intuitive. As an aside, therefore, what method would a pricing engine in the real world use to price a barrier - numerically solve the PDE or Monte Carlo?

Thanks in advance guys,
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This is a standard barrier option,, yes? Closed solutions are available (e.g. Haug 2007).
Debugging: take a large barrier, does the solution approach classic Black Scholes (initial sanity check).
@Daniel Duffy , let me try with a large barrier and see if it approaches the classic BS-price.

@yetanotherquant , the link is so so cool, I would like to get my hands wet on Quantlib. I am delivering a talk to my team on Options pricing with Python - to give a flavour of how its done. I am going to include some fun topics : smile pricing using Vanna Volga, spread options. Having said that, I want to make sure it is as close as possible to the real thing.

I have attached my power-point slides and a PDF doc on stuff I plan to talk about. Any tips would be great!


Yes, @vertigo is right (at least with the fact, that the non-toy volatility models are complex).
But this is one more advantage of QuantLib: in my example there is a helper-method, which generates a flat volatility, i.e. the simplest possible

flatVol(const Date& today,
    const boost::shared_ptr<Quote>& vol,
    const DayCounter& dc) {
    return boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure>(new
        BlackConstantVol(today, NullCalendar(), Handle<Quote>(vol), dc));

In my case it is really enough because I want to (approximately) show the realm of possible scenarios to retail speculators (image how they would look at me if I would start talking about Heston et al :))

But nothing prevents you from specifying a more advanced vola-structure in QuantLib and then supplying the pricing engine with it.
By the way, an idea to price American(!) barrier options with monte-carlo is generally bad.
For this you need a least-square Monte-Carlo, which I myself, often use.
But if I have an alternative (lattice / finite difference) pricing method, which is already implemented and tested (in QuantLib) then I use it with much more pleasure.
In the real world you would specify a local stochastic volatility model (Heston + local) and price via monte carlo method. Some companies are dumb enough to use only stochastic vol, but let's forget this.

@vertigo and @yetanotherquant , thanks, this conversation is so thoughful and enlightening for me! I want to get my hands wet with C++, Boost, so as an exercise, I'll try to create some notes and implment the Heston model. :)
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