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Profile Evaluation - Thinking of Mathematical Finance


Hello guys, I'm currently an undergraduate who is at a crossroads between a PhD in Applied Math and a Masters in FE/MF. I have a strong interest in math and would love to pursue a PhD, but the length and opportunity cost of the degree is what is making me hesitate, mostly due to family reasons. On the flip side, I'm also strongly interested in financial mathematics especially as most programs only seem to be 3-4 semesters long and seem to be very well paying. Do you guys think I have a shot a top programs, preferably those in NYC?

Institution: Small unknown state school
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Math GPA: 3.95/4.0
Major: Math and Chemistry
  • Q: 165
  • V: 157
  • W: 5.0
Research: Worked on two projects, one in numerical analysis the other concerning stock forecasting (mostly signal processing and machine learning)
Misc: Have taken 25 math courses, 9 of which are graduate courses, also audited another graduate course involving applied statistics
Cons: Have yet to take a major probability course