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Python on Virtual Studio

I just spent way too long getting VS to be able to debug a python program. (over one hour and under two hours for sure, but I don't know by how much)

It would run fine, no issues, but nothing under the sun could get rid of the 'failed to launch debug adapter' error message.

I finally ditched the standard environment and went with an anaconda environment within VS and it seems to be working now. Anyone else run into similar issues? Are any more headed my way? I'm working on @Daniel Duffy's Applied Numerical Methods with Python course, should be fun.

I have PyCharm now as well, as I came to these forums looking for solutions only to see that the Python course here uses Pycharm. I'm used to VS though so I wanted to stay there if I could- just feels natural.
I use VS and Python .. never any problems in Release mode.
So your program runs fine but it is the debugger you get issues with?
We can chat.
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