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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
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QA profession course

If you want to truly stand out at your interviews, please consider taking the online course "Quantitative Analyst, Developer, Strat: The profession". The course is a collection of pre-recorded lectures, so it is very easy to study. There are about 16 hours of original material, most of which you will not find in public domain, as the course is prepared by an active super senior front office quant :)

It will tell you what expect from what quant jobs. I can promise you that the interviewer will be much more impressed if you tell them that you know how "PNL Explain" works or what the components of a quant library are. Everything else is known to everyone.

The course considers 9 (!) different quant jobs on sell and buy side, in consulting and in fintech. There are many more options than you may think; in particular, there are many Plans B.

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