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Quant Job with Undergraduate Only

Hi, so I just graduated with a Bachelors of Engineering in Computer and Internet Engineering in the UK (not a top tier uni) with a farily good grade (First Class - 80%).

My initial plan was to do a Masters in Comp Fin / Math Fin / Fin Eng, but I have been rejected from most of the unis I found worth (Oxford, UCL, Kings) so 'veI decided it is better to get relevant work experience. However, my question is whether it is possible to get a job as a quant (developer/analyst/trader) with my degree and one year work experience + summer internship as a software engineer, or if it is a waste of time.

Related to this, when applying to jobs is it preferable to include a cover letter if given the option, and what kind of projects would make me stand out?

Maybe too long question but I am very lost right now. Any advice is appreciated.
